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TIAN Jin was born in January 1986 in the South West of China. He first obtained a bachelor degree of film studies from the Institute of Cinema of Sichuan, since 2011 he resides in France where he studied at the university Paris Diderot and the School of Photography of Paris Icart-Photo between 2012 and 2016.

During his long travels to deep China, he made his first series of photos entitled "Wild Grass: the orphan of China" which sheds a light on the living conditions of orphans in rural China.

Tian Jin is currently working on two projects. On one side, he started following Burmese refugees living on the border with China during the civil war. On the other,  he carries out researches on the paper representations of daily objects that are traditionally burned as a funeral ritual to satisfy the needs of the dead in the after-life, and more particularly the paper representations of luxury brand's products.

He addresses issues such as immigration, poverty, suffering, marginalized people, veneration phenomenons, nature, urbanisation, and the influence of the consumer society on urban life.



Tel: 0033-64789-1597

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